Friday, April 17, 2009


Kelebihan dan Keistimewaannya:

  • Harganya yang mampu dibeli oleh semua golongan
  • Dibuat 100% dari herba terpilih Sesuai untuk lelaki dan wanita, seawal usia 12 tahun
  • Tersedia di dalam tiub yang mudah digunakan
  • Merawat masalah rambut beruban
  • Merawat masalah rambut gugur / jarang
  • Merawat masalah kelemumur
  • Berkesan dalam tempoh masa yang singkat
  • Dikilangkan di Malaysia dan HALAL
  • Tidak berminyak atau melekit
  • Tidak mengandungi PARABEN
  • Hasilnya Kekal
  • Boleh di bawa sembahyang

Bagaimana Krim Uban USHINE Bertindak ?

  1. Krim Uban Ushine bertindak dengan beberapa cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah anda :
    Bertindak menghilangkan dan menstabilkan struktur molikular di permukaan kulit kepala yang mengumpul minyak dan sebum. Secara tidak langsung, folikel rambut akan tumbuh dengan lebih baik dan natural. Minyak dan sebum sekiranya dibiarkan akan membuat folikel rambut tersumbat dan ini menjadi punca kepada masalah rambut seperti gugur dan kelemumur.
  2. Mikro nutrient yang terdapat di dalam krim uban Ushine akan diserap oleh lapisan kulit kepala dan seterusnya oleh folikel rambut. Vitamin dan acid amino yang ada akan merangsang pigment rambut untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak melanin yang membantu untuk mengekalkan warna rambut yang hitam.
  3. Krim uban Ushine membantu kilang minyak yang terdapat pada setiap folikel rambut untuk mengeluarkan minyak secara semulajadi dan seterusnya merangsang kapilari darah membekalkan oksigen kepada rambut. Rambut akan menjadi lebih kuat dan tidak lagi putus bila minyak dan oksigen mencukupi.

Kandungan Krim Uban USHINE
Neem Leave, Hibiscus (Flower & Leaves), Ho show Wu, Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Citric Acid, Palmatic Acid, Shea Nut Butter, Cocoa Butter, Olive Oil, Minyak Kelapa Dara, Henna, Vitamin B.

Neem Leave:-Neem oil can relieve dry and itchy scalp, dandruff, the symptoms of scalp psoriasis, as well as giving you silky, shiny, stronger hair and encourage growth. Neem oil can even help with hair problems like hair loss and premature graying, where loss of hair or loss of color is caused by imbalances and health issues, rather than normal aging.

Hibiscus (Flower & Leaves):-Hibiscus leaves and flowers are the best natural hair care products. They are very useful for hair growth and also help in treating hair loss. They help in darkening of the hair.Coconut oil in combination with hibiscus flower acts as a great source for natural hair care product. Boil coconut oil and flowers of hibiscus plant for three hours daily for a couple of days. Filter this oil and massage your scalp with this oil every day to prevent hair loss.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry):-Amla Oil is one of the world's oldest natural hair conditioners. Amla Oil enriches hair growth and pigmentation. It prevents premature graying of hair, dandruff, increases the strength of hair follicles (and thus preventing hair-fall). Amla oil also give the scalp a cooling effect. As such, it keeps the mind cool and promotes sound sleep.

Olive oil:- Emollients containing olive oil are useful in helping dry skin, as they slow the loss of water through the skin layers. Maintaining adequate moisture can relieve the pain of dry skin and reduce scaling and inflammation, without causing adverse side effects. Preparations containing olive oil work best because they lock the water into the skin.

Vegetable glycerin :-An extremely effective humectant (drawing moisture from the air to moisturize the skin or hair), it also has emollient properties. Derived from naturally occurring fatty acids, usually coconut, it is also used as a lubricant (to help prevent moisture loss).

Citric AcidCitric Acid :- A natural, edible organic acid used to adjust pH, one of the natural hydroxy acids derived from citrus fruits. When applied to hair, citric acid opens up the outer layer, also known as the cuticle. While the cuticle is open, it allows for a deeper penetration into the hair shaft.

Shea Butter :-The natural fat obtained from the fruits and is used as a replacement for lanolin. It is high in triglycerides and fatty acids, and has wonderful healing properties.

Cocoa butter Theobroma cacao seed butter):- Obtained from cocoa beans, this emollient and thickening agent easily absorbs into the skin and imparts sheen and helps

Ho-Shou-Wu:-Ho-shou-wu (pinyin: heshouwu) is derived from the roots of Polygonum multiflorum. Ho Show Wu has the long-standing reputation of preventing the premature graying of hair and restoring gray hair to black; they have been applied as well for correcting hair loss following the theory that both graying of hair and hair loss may be due to lack of essential essences.

Vitamin B and Minerals :-Vitamin B regulates the secretion of oil, keeps hair healthy & moisturized. Minerals like zinc, iron & copper helps promote healthy hair.

Henna:-Henna is a natural colorant and strengthener and has all sorts of other benefits such as reduction of dandruff and elimination ringworms on the head lice.